Hello to one and all! 
I’d like to Welcome you to
1ST Halloween Bash!!!!

I’ m proud to present to you our Author’s who will be giving away prizes during our fun.

1. Jerry Hampton

2. Nancy Naigle

3. Elaine Cantrell

4. Rue Volley

5. Amber Scott

6. V. Saewood Tice

7. Jeanne L. Oiler

8. Sarah Davis Brandon

 Lynn Townsend

10. Sarah Ballance

11. Lisa Kessler

12. Lisa Beth Darling

13. Marilyn Baron

14. Bonnie Lee Elliot

15.Kat Crouch

16.Dawn Chartier

17. Beth Blanchard

8. Grace Greene

19. Nichelle Gregory

20. Ednah Walters

21.Grace Burrows

22.Kristie Cook

Now we are going to have a great time!!!  There's going to be a little of everything. Before we get started this is how you will be able to win prizes... Throughout the party I will be asking you all questions that were made by our wonderful authors and these questions will lead to a web page and you will have to find the answer.
The 1st person to answer the question will win the prize.
Don't worry!!!  This is not the only way to win something. ONLY 1 PRIZE PER PERSON PLS.
 The more you comment and party with us the more chances you have to be the winner of the Grand Prize!  
Which consists of:

Book or Books- Donated by Beth Blanchard

Mae Minerals Toner- Donated by Nancy's Mae Minerals

Sweatshirts with BRNMD Logo sizes SM. to XL-Donated by ME! Leanne

Now that that's out of the way, lets see where we are today.

 Our first stop where we will be partying it up is in a Haunted House!  I know! Cliché right!  But what the Hey, we love a good Haunted House!

As you enter you will find many rooms to explore.  If you go to the basement you will find different cells with your favourite book villians.  They are hoping to get a taste of you.

Be sure to not stick your fingers between the bars or feed them, you may not make it back.  You sure don't want to miss the rest of this wonderful house.
On the main floor you will find the dinning room, ballroom, library and kitchen.


Be sure to stop by each room upstairs.  There's something interesting behind every door.


Throughtout the party I will be posting questions written by the authors who are giving away prizes.
The trick will be for you to go to their site and find the answer to these questions and be the first to guess right.  I will be sure to give you which site.  I think we're going to have great fun!


So..... What's everyone wearing?  I'm a Flamingo for now lol but I may be something else each hour.  Your Welcome to do the same.  LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!


Yami Neko said…
*comes in wearing a Black fae dress, with black and pink wings* ... oo..Le, are you sure I can't feed him.. *points to the cute villains in behind the bars* I'm sure it'll be fun hanging out with him..
Unknown said…
Good Morning!!!!!!!! Wow Neko! You are very early! It's 6:51am here so my costume for now is huge orphan annie curls, blurry eyes and a pink nightgown with pink crocks lol
I am going to wake up with a coffee and since we're starting the party so early I'm adding a little Khalua. And I'm passing the bottle around to all of you lol!
Yami Neko said…
Thanks! you know I'm going to need it, fae's work being up all night is tiring! *stretches and lazily takes a seat on a couch*
Unknown said…
Well my kids are off to school and I'm ready to bring in breakfast for all. There's French Toast with Maple Syrup from my own little city. Scrambled Eggs (from a local farm) Canadian Bacon, sausage and ham. Grits, home fries, baked beans. Pancakes with your choice of Maple syrup, whip cream and fresh fruits from around the world.
To drink there is Tim Horton's Coffee, Startbucks, Apple Juice and Orange juice.

DIG IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marilyn Baron said…
I love French toast and pancakes, but after watching your scary video I need a break before I can think about eating. Just give me a minute.
Unknown said…
LOL Marilyn! Hold you cookies, it's just a video ;) :D
Shanon Grey said…
Ghostly morning to you! The spirits awoke me to remind Leanne is howling my name. Having fed my wolf, I donned my cloak and took her into the woods to hunt down her breakfast. Me, I'll hit the spider inky brew steaming in the lab for now...
Tami Brothers said…
Cool party. I started watching the video and couldn't stop.... And I'm not a scary movie person. :)

I plan to be a princess this year for Halloween. You know the witchy princesses. The ones that seem to have the most fun. ;)

Then again, maybe I'll go with the full on evil witch. I know she has fun. :)
Smooth said…
Great job babe! That breakfast sounds good, I'll take a bit of everything lol.
Unknown said…
Good Morning!! I've got my kids off to school am about to run errands, but I wanted to stop in and show you guys my cool Wonder Woman costume. I even have a laso of truth you guys!! I'll be back later and I'll bring some tasty NY pizza with me!!
Debbie Kaufman said…
Morning all! (Debbie enters dressed in early 1900's safari wear). Oh, too bad I alreay ate, however I do have some extra blueberry scones to share! Haven't gotten up my nerve for the haunted house yet. I think I'll wait to make sure everyone who enters also exits :)
Unknown said…
MMMM Pizza! Good Morning Shanon, I am so glad the ghosts are doing their jobs lol
Hi Tami! Ohhh I think the witch will all depend on your mood lol
Well thanks Smooth too bad it's only virtual right Babe ;)
Smooth is my hubby BTW in case your wondering at our pet-names for each other.lol
I'm going to post a picture of my tired self with my coffee cup and PJs on FB. We can call it my "Begin the day Costume" lol
Debbie Kaufman said…
Totally spaced and forgot to wave to Marilyn Baron, love her ghostly stories.
Unknown said…
Good Morning Debbie no haunted house for you this morning? I'll go with you lol Kat do hurry back! You don't want to miss out on the prizes ;)
Lisa Kessler said…
Today I'm in my full power suit finery!!! Black and white hair & all!!! LOL

Love your haunted house Leanne!!! THis is going to be fun!!!

Lisa :)
Unknown said…
I've posted my scariest face of the day on my FB in honour of the event lol I think I may head down to the cellar to make sure everyone is being as bad as possible ;)
Unknown said…
I'll be posting the 1st question of the day within the hour! Gather around every1 if you want a chance to win! The 1st person to answer the question correctly will win!
Unknown said…

question:: Nancy's debut novel, SWEET TEA AND SECRETS, is set in the small town of Adams Grove. What's the title of the next book in that series with a release date in November 2011.


prize:: A gift bag including a tagalong of Harney & Sons Tea sachets and my favorite Bali's Best sweet tea candies.
Unknown said…
Here is where you will find the ANSWER:

website:: http://www.NancyNaigle.com/
Anonymous said…
out of focus
Unknown said…
Congrats Chris!!!!!!! Will send Nancy her winner!!!
Good morning Leanne and Happy Halloween. I will be sure to explore and have fun today. Conrgats on your first bash.

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
yea, thank you.
Unknown said…
Thanks Michelle! I have great expectations, I'm hoping everyone has a bash and chats lots. Anything goes! I'd love to hear some Halloween jokes even lol
*enters the house dressed as Marilyn Monroe* Because you know the sexy girls back then had real curves. I have to tell you Leanne, you're pictures freaked me out a bit.... creepy little dolls all over but that SEXY man pic is enough to make me willing to "deal" with it either way.. YUM, he needs to be on a book cover.. wow! I'd love some breakfast too Leanne, I miss Canadian Bacon *drools a bit* ;) Do you have any iced hazelnut coffee around here? I'd love a cup or two ;)

When's the next question hon? I need to do some cleaning but I don't want to miss any party hopping ;)
Unknown said…
Is the sexy man open to meeting the Queen of darkness in one of the bedroom...I just want a taste? Just askin'! ;-)

Hi Everyone!!! You've got some freak pics here today Leanne! I went to the kitchen to get the Irish coffee I missed earlier and BAM! I had to move someones hand and leg....ick! But it was worth it! Coffee is ALWAYS worth it! Now, someone mentioned Canadian bacon??? *puppy dog eyes*

And congrats to the first winner!

This is one heck of a Halloween bash, Leanne! I'll be back....;-)

Unknown said…
LOL Chelsea I knew the dolls would freak ppl out, isn't great! I love Halloween and seeing all the scary stuff.
The next question will probably be in another hour and a half at the earliest. I don't want to put them up too quickly because more people will be around this evening.
Don't forget though the more you chat with us here the more chance you have of winning the Grand-Prize :D
Unknown said…
Hey Tal!!! So glad your here! Careful when you move those pieces around, another lady said the hand grabbed her and she said it was perverted lmao. Have all the Bacon you want, it's unlimited as for the guy you may have to wait in line lol
LOL Leanne, seriously creepy :P Especially that one with the Welcome Home on it with the creepy eyes/teeth *shivers* yuck :) reminds me of why I don't want Chucky movies anymore LOL :P I had so many nightmares when I was younger :) And whooohooo on the question :) Sounds like I'll have time to chat, clean, go for a question, chat, clean some more! Not like I LIKE cleaning or anything, this is much better.. if you distract me here love I might make you clean my house :P
Unknown said…
Well I did all my housework yesterday and I will not clean yours lol so leave it be til tomorrow and party with us ;) Be sure to send many friends over. The more the merrier. Also, If you think today is creepy wait til you see tomorrow!
Kym said…
*creeps down the stairs* Yawnn goodmorning, Leanne had me up half the night decorating;)

Mmm, french toast is my favorite ! I made some pumpkin bread to share this morning.

Im sorry I missed Nancy's question..but to anyone that hasnt read her writing SHOULD !! I just love "Sweet Tea and Secrets "

Everyone ready to P-A-R-T-Y !! Lets go check out those cute zombies in the corner ..come on, lets go !!
LOL I can't leave it till tomorrow ;) Besides if the party is going on for a few days?? how am I supposed to do that! Naughty Leanne! ;) I should get it done today so I have time to hop all weekend ;) and I did send like 250+ invites lol :P

*waves to Kym* We should probably have a nap at some point today! We could do puppy piles like they do in shifter packs *cough* ya know? ;) Mmmm Pumpkin bread!
Unknown said…
LOL You should have finished that decorating days ago.... but I won't say I told you so lol MMMMMM Pumpkin bread! Thank you!
I'm thinking it's time for Hot Chocolate all around for everyone and a little bit of Amaretto in it to keep you warm. Or you could go down to the cellar turn left then right then right again and you will get to the Gate's Of Hell, it's pretty HOT in there lol
ShanonGrey said…
Pookie took off with my recipe for Creamed Eye of Newt! Anybody got a substitute. Quick--the "Black Hat Witches" society wants their gruel on time...
Kym said…
Leanne is such a slavedriver ...sigh !

*waves at Chelsea* I love your nap idea * wink wink *

Hot cocoa, mmmmm sure could use it with this winter storm warning we are under, really it isnt even WINTER, humph !

I think Ill head to the kitchen and check out the activity *evil grin*
Kym said…
Ohh Shannon, I bet Leanne has a recipes *hehe*
Unknown said…
eye of newt... umm nope but i got some old man toes in a jar pickled u can give the witches lol
ShanonGrey said…
No! No! They want that blood gravy! What shall I....arggggg....noooo....not the crows' feet....
Unknown said…
Next question will be within the hour!
Kym said…
Leanne, where is your Witches cookbook ..I know I saw one somewhere * looks around*
Maxine Davis said…
Hi all, Just returned from working out! Sounds great, but I'm hunting my heating pad as I type. Too, all that workout made me hungry. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya, but it didn't stop me. Stopped at the local Witches' Brew and Warlocks' Grill for a bloody Mary (didn't ask what was in it) and Hairy's Stew, but gagged and turned down the stew. Now off for a tour of the house...
Unknown said…
Hi Maxine! Great to see ya and I understand the heating pad! Be sure to stop by room 16 there's a really hot guy there giving massages! WOOHOO! As for the stew no worries, that's in the lunch menu here and I made it myself, just don't eat the eyeballs... they r just plastic lol
Nancy Naigle said…
Yippeeee! and congratulations to Christine Bails who got the answer right --- my next release is OUT OF FOCUS and will be out on November 14th.

In the spirit of that release I'm dressed up as a photographer for Halloween. Strike a pose!!
Nancy Naigle said…
Where's the line for the massages?
Unknown said…

Question--What does Amber Scott post every Saturday?


-HOT Kit including a hair shadow "Color Bug" and an ebook, reader's choice.


Link: http://amberscottbooks.com/
Unknown said…
I'm Striking a pose!!!!!!!!! The lineup Nancy is on the second floor, ya can't miss it!
Kym said…
*cheeese * or should I say * count draccuuuula*

Nancy, careful of the Zombies on the steps !
Unknown said…
Well I'd say it's lunch time! The Tables are now filled to full with Soups, Sandwiches, finger foods and Stew. There's Chilli on the side table over to the right and the table at the back has our Halloween themed desserts. There's Spider whoopie pies, Eyeball Jello, Brain Custard and Beetle Ice Cream... No worries it's not real! Just food lol
ShanonGrey said…
Is it Scene Song Saturday? I'm running around trying to read and clean.....
Yami Neko said…
*wakes up from being in a bed* nnng.. so sleepy *stumbles out of the room and looks around* what I miss...?
Unknown said…
CONGRATS SHANNON!!! You're Amber Scotts winner! Email addy pls. and I will send it off to her!
Unknown said…
Welcome Back Neko! It's lunch time, grab some grub :D

Shannon when you get your prize I expect to see a picture of you with that purple in your hair!
Yami Neko said…
Thanks Le, *yawns and grabs some chilli and sits down* I needed a nap.. since we started so early ;) now where's that cutie I saw?
Nancy Naigle said…
*eeek running. I took a picture of that zombie chasing me. Do you think they show up in pictures???
ShanonGrey said…
I won! Whoopeee! I think. Purple? :)
Yami Neko said…
As long as its not blurred Nancy! xD;; But I think you lost the Zombie >.> <.< I no see him
Elaine Cantrell said…
Hey, Leanne and all you fabulous party guests! I just love my costume. I thought about being a zombie, but no, I want to be glamorous. So, I'm coming to the party as Marilyn Monroe. I gotta admit, this white halter dress looks pretty darn sexy.
Elaine Cantrell said…
I was just reading the comments, and I saw that Chelsea Rafferty is also here as Marilyn Monroe. I guess you can never have enough glamor in your life. Chelsea, we should let Leeann make us up!
Yami Neko said…
Afternoon Elaine~! Can't have too many Marilyn's in the house ;)
Unknown said…
Sorry I'm away, was making supper lol Gotta keep everyone fed.
I'll start a line soon to do makeup for whoever wants :D If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
LOL Nancy don't startle the Zombies!!!!!!!!!!
Elaine Cantrell said…
Yes! Leeann is going to make me up like Marilyn Monroe! I want that cute little beauty mark too.
Elaine Cantrell said…
Hi Neko. What's your costume?
Unknown said…
Hey Hey Hey! Makeup all around! Hiya Bama! Glad you could make it! Next question is in 1 hour and a 1/2.
Anonymous said…
I'm a Marilyn, but not Monroe.

Debbie, thanks for the comment about my "ghostly" stories.

Leanne, any more hot chocolate with amaretto left?

Marilyn Baron
Unknown said…
For sure!!!!!!!!!! I'm about to serve up our succulent supper as well and getting ready to pass around the "spirits" and open the FREE BAR!
Anonymous said…
Yay. I'm getting hungry.
Marilyn Baron
Julee J. Adams said…
W00t! Too much fun! I have to skip out for Girls Night Out (dinner and retail therapy), but I'll check back with you later, promise. {{{{hugs}}}}
Unknown said…
Thanks for coming by Julee!!!
Unknown said…
OK ALL! Time for supper or Dinner (however you call it) lol

Main Courses are Lobster, Shrimp, Scallops, Cod, any Seafood you can think of!
There is also Roast Beef and Pork. They just melt in your mouth. Some Lasagne, spaghetti and Ravioli.
Frog Legs, Escargot or Veal.
Side Dishes are Oven roasted Potatoes, mashed, baked or boiled. Asian Rice, friend rice, steamed rice... Any way you want it!
Plus there's soup of every flavour on the side boards.

Dessert are to be served later with Champagne, Wine or Spritzer!

Do enjoy your meals! I plan to ask the next question momentarily!
Unknown said…

Question: What two things do the vampires in Blood & Light feed on? answer : Blood & Energy?


An Ebook copy of Blood & Light

The Answer can be found here:

Bama said…
blood and energy... thanks for the hint Leanne:P
Unknown said…
CONGRATS BAMA!!!!!!!!!!! You Won Rue Volley's prize! Please give me your email address so she can contact you!
Bama said…
miabama @ gmail.com
Debs Desk said…
Okay - Is the party here? I am ready.
Unknown said…
It is!!!! Don't be shy to look around! Right now we are eating dinner, would you like a drink?
Debs Desk said…
I would love a drink. By the way I am dressed as a Texas Ranger.
Unknown said…
Awesome Idea! I'm dressed in a long Hot pink victorian gown with black lace. I am also carrying my silver and black Masquerade Mask :D So, what's your poison? Wine, Champagne, Long Island Ice Tea, Screwdriver, Banana Popsicle? lol
Debs Desk said…
Well Long Island Ice Tea sounds great. I feel so under dressed, running back to closet right now.
ShanonGrey said…
I've changed my costume to Maleficent for the evening. Can't wait til I can become the dragon!!! I think a nice red wine would go with that, don't you.
Debs Desk said…
I just ran over to my friends Cher's house and borrowed a dress. I have on Cher's 1986 Academy Award dress and yes I look way better then she did.
Debs Desk said…
Well then Shanon we could pass for sisters, since that is kind of what my dress looks like.
Unknown said…
Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!! You go girls!!! I'm thinking I want to drink a White Russian. How about we go check out one of the rooms... What do you hope to find?
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
We'll be carrying candles, so maybe a little lol
Debs Desk said…
I have two flashlights. I am so lucky a Cher dress and two flashlights. Can life get any better?
Lisa Kessler said…
*waving to the party from World Fantasy Con*

Looks like you're having an awesome turnout today Leanne!!! :)

Happy Halloween everyone!!!

Unknown said…
So where are those flash lights located lol?
Unknown said…
Thanks so much for coming by Lisa!!! I hope you have a fabulous time!
Anonymous said…
Im NOT going first !! *Pushes Leanne infront *

umm, Shannon you can go ahead of me too !

Maybe we will find some paranormal activity....

*creek, creek* WHATS THAT ?!

Unknown said…
Why am I always first! *Pushes Debs in front* Use your Flashing lights hehehe
Debs Desk said…
Wait a minute - I am going to have to consume a few more Long Island Ice Teas before we start. Then you can talk me in to doing anything, even going first.
Becky C said…
Hey Guys..I finally made it :) ...what are we up to?
Debs Desk said…
I am up to about three Long Island Ice Teas and I am just about ready.
Unknown said…
YAY!!!!!!! Becky's here! Becky can go first!
ShanonGrey said…
Creeping up dark stairs!!! I'll let my crow lead the way....Hey, don't shove!
ShanonGrey said…
Raven! I meant Raven! Come back....don't leave us in the dark.....
Debs Desk said…
Shanon you have a crow? Wow you are special.
Anonymous said…
Welcome Becky * pushes infront of me * here, follow Deb and Leanne,and Shannon... we are headed upstairs to see if there is any paranormal activity.
Debs Desk said…
Oh never mind if it just a Raven - Everyone has one of those.
ShanonGrey said…
Not anymore....damn thing's sensitive. Raven. Crow. They're both egotistical... We use my giant spider.....with glowing eyes.....
Debs Desk said…
Since it is so dark and no one can see I am sneaking to the back of the line to get a better look at Shanon's Raven.
ShanonGrey said…
Debs--you better hope he didn't hear you....Nevermore!!!
Unknown said…
*Runs the other way* Spiders nope no way!
Debs Desk said…
Oh My Bad - You meant a real Raven (BIRD) I thougt we were talking about that hunky guy with no shirt on. I thought his name was Raven and I was sneaking to back of the line with him. Leanne what is his name?
Debs Desk said…
You know that hot and sweety one...
Anonymous said…
Here I am! I come as my wonderful self! Although it won't let me comment with my google account.
Amanda Chesshir
Unknown said…
He's got no name, you can call him slave :D Hi Amanda!! So glad you came!
Debs Desk said…
:) Slave it is then.
Unknown said…

What did Morgan see when she looked out the window into the night-shrouded garden?


A signed copy of The Shoppe of Spells


Yami Neko said…
I had to step away but I brought some Zombie Vodka, and some Blood Sangiria. You wouldn't believe the angry Vampire I ran into to get this... uh-ho >.> <.< *hears an angry yell* .. help?
Debs Desk said…
Hold on Neko - I left me Long Island Ice Tea in the other room. I will be right back and help you. Just wait a few minutes.
Unknown said…
Debs Desk said…
Unknown said…
Grabs the flame thrower in the dungeon Vampire! We got a Mistress that likes Vamps :D
Yami Neko said…
>.>; why do I think I'm being left alone to get eaten.. and not in a good way? *puts down the two drinks, looks around nervously* I think we're going to have some problems
Debs Desk said…
I am so excited to win Shanon's book. Thanks for hosting this great party Leanne.
Unknown said…
It's a pleasure and I am so so grateful people are actually coming to party ! YAYYYYYYYYY
Yami Neko said…
Le you'll save me~ *hides behind her* :D; its okay Debs... I think I shouldn't of taken his blood wine, for some reason you'd think it was expensive or something. xD
Unknown said…
Neko I'm thinking you may need to hide in a big crowd, come on ladies to the library!
Debs Desk said…
I am ready to check out the library. I still have my flashlights or flashing lights.
Unknown said…
Heads off towards the library. As I walk in I let out an ear piercing screech. Holy Cow!

Oh it's not a cow, just a ghost!
Yami Neko said…
@.@ *looses some hearing* that was my ears Le x.X *stumbles to the library now* oh wow... this is someone's wonder place..
Unknown said…
Glad I'm just renting the place and in 2 hours we'll be somewhere new :D
Debs Desk said…
someone's wonder place? Well Slave and I were in here a few hours ago but I was not having to wonder about anything. That Slave is true to his name.
Unknown said…
ShanonGrey said…
Debs! Congrats. It is the hairless creature. I hope you enjoy it!
Hint: the hairless creature isn't Meesha. She's a good guy...er, Border Collie...woof.

Hey, did we ever get upstairs?
Debs Desk said…
So Leanne are you doing this until Sunday night? I know I can only win once but thought I would pop in and chat during the next two days. Me and Slave are thinking about go out to dinner.
Unknown said…
There's a ghost in the library! We're headed for the ballroom :D
Debs Desk said…
Thanks Shanon I Love to read new authors and love to share with my friends. I was even thinking I would sugggest your book for the bookclub I am in.
Unknown said…
Awesome idea Debs! Her book is great!
Debs Desk said…
What I read sounded good and like something my bookclub would like to read.
ShanonGrey said…
Wow, Debs, that would be great. Maybe we could all do a chat or something about it. Thanks. You are awesome.
Unknown said…
The party continues until Sun. Midnight Mon. :D
Debs Desk said…
So Leanne has your book been published?
ShanonGrey said…
I must go get a bite or be bitten.....back in a few.
Unknown said…
(2 winners!)

Question: Name two of the clans remaining in post appocalyptic Earth.
Bonus:Bonus: What is the heroine's name?


*First 2 people to get the clans correct wins free ebook copy of Amongst the Ruins.

*First to answer the Bonus correctly (along with the two clans) wins the ebook as well as am Amongst the Ruins notebook and pen.


Unknown said…
No my book hasn't been published yet. Halloween day though I'll be posting my short Halloween Story called "When it's time"
Debs Desk said…
Okay come on people....
Debs Desk said…
I will have to check out When It's Time. I love the cover of your book.
Yami Neko said…
Nodus and Alchemy... and Shilo?
Unknown said…
Thank you! My biggest problem with it is getting it edited. My editing skills suck bad lol
Yami Neko said…
Thanks Debs! xD;; oh Le is this one time through the weeks, or just one prize a day?
Unknown said…
I have to wait until there is more answers and will announce the winners. :)
Debs Desk said…
Since you are partying tomorrow I will post it on my facebook page and on the bookclub page. See if I can get some of my friends over here to win some books and hang out in the haunted house..
Unknown said…
In 1 hour there is going to be a new location :) and sunday to. It would be great if you could help us get more ppl to participate. Thank you so much!
Debs Desk said…
Okay girls I have a couple of hours worth of work that I have to get done tonight. :( So I will leave and leave Slave here for you. I had a great time and will be back tomorrow.
ShanonGrey said…
What time is the party running? All night? Leanne, you couldn't do that how many nights?
Debs Desk said…
When you say a new location? What does that mean?
Unknown said…
See you tomorrow Debs! Thanks for coming!
Shannon it can run all night but I will be getting sleep and be back early in the morning :)
Yami Neko said…
xD i won't be sleeping, i'll be sleeping in the morning!
Unknown said…
There's only an hour left until the new post comes up. If that happens before someone else answers the question then Neko you'll be the sole winner :)
Unknown said…
Not a new location as in Website just a new post here!
Yami Neko said…
!Hehe, well I can wait for that. wee~! I'll be excited!
Elaine Cantrell said…
I just watched Twilight. Edward isn't the same kind of vampire we talk about this time of year, but he is just dreamy.
ShanonGrey said…
I've not seen it. Is it good?
Unknown said…
Elaine check your FB inbox!!! Your right Edward is a cutie
Yami Neko said…
I do not like twilight.. I want Original vampires! The one that don't sparkle!!
Unknown said…
I've changed my costume... I am now a witch...
Yami Neko said…
Are you trying to tell us something Le? ;)
Unknown said…
You are one smart cookie! It's a hint about the new post to come :D
ShanonGrey said…
I'm changing my costume, too. I am now in footie pajamas, ready to snuggle in a down bed and sleep until the sun rises. Leanne can protect us as the good witch!
Elaine Cantrell said…
Leeanne, I sent you my questions. Sorry for the delay.
Elaine Cantrell said…
Talking about Twilight, I don't think I'm going to like New Moon. I didn't like the book.
Elaine Cantrell said…
Anyone going to a real world Halloween party? We're going to a pig roast on the beach. No costumes, though.
Elaine Cantrell said…
By the Way, I have changed my costume too. I'm no longer Marilyn Monroe. I'm Cleopatra! Now where is my Marc Antony? That guy in the picture below the strange baby monster looks like he would do.
Elaine Cantrell said…
Leeanne, I can't wait to read your Halloween story.
Wicked Leanore said…
I'm stopping in to get my...Makeup done!LOL Leanne invited me for the Giveaway-Halloween-Contest. I hope to find out who won My Beasts Trilogy!
Leanne is the best-est friend an author OR reader could have.
Leanore Elliott with Wicked Muse Publishing/Silver Publishing/Knight Romance Publishing
Shadow said…
Hello! Great party! Sorry that i missed this day. Looking forward to more fun!
Trish said…
I hope I am not to late.

Sandy said…
I hope I didn't miss the party!!
Unknown said…
We are at http://leanne109.blogspot.com/2011/10/halloween-bash-last-day.html?showComment=1320015405889#c461058665458129485

come see us!!!!!

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