Toni's Review of Motier Foux By Melissa Harlow ***4.5 Stars***

Lorenna lived in a world of isolation and loneliness, widowed a little over a year, alone on a small farm in the remote mountains. One day the world she knows ends with a single gunshot. She is taken captive by two men, Ray is sadistic and cruel, the other, Reese, seems almost kind. When Ray attempts to rape her, with Reese's help, she manages to kill Ray. Now she is left alone with Reese, a massive man with a mysterious accent, a murderous past, and a tattoo across his shoulders "Motier Foux." Her attraction to him is intense, but so is her fear. As she learns to trust him, she finds out that that he is a fugitive fleeing a life sentence, and there is more to him than she could have ever imagined. For Reese is a man who likes to bind and dominate his women, and Lorenna discovers she is a woman who likes to surrender - to the right man!


This is a diamond in the ruff, a true gem, hidden under a deceiving cover.

Motier Foux is an engaging story of destined love, some mystical Cajun magic, and the beauty of discovering your soul mate.

At twenty-three, Lorenna Sutton has had a very tough life. Married young and already widowed, she is isolated in eastern Washington. Her husband has been dead for over a year now but she still is healing.

Reese Savoie wasn’t always so big and scary. At nineteen when he was put in prison for life, he was a skinny kid, but he slowly became a huge mammoth of a man. At six foot five and two hundred and seventy-five pounds he was enormous. His momma always taught him to respect women. When he first seen Lorenna his entire existence changed. She was the woman of his dreams, a woman that would complete him.

The first chapter of Motier Foux is the hardest to get through. When Reece and Ray show up at Lorenna’s farmhouse, it is clear Ray is a sadistic man. He attempts to rape Lorenna. It is a heart retching scene that is poignant. The emotion is staggeringly gripping and justifiably so. Nothing is more disturbing then rape and death. Ms. Harlow has written a compelling chapter not for the faint of heart.

The relationship of Lorenna and Reese builds from there. I enjoyed the journey of discovery they trekked. With experimentation and a lot of imagination, they fulfill all that has been missing from their lives. Reese hadn’t been with a woman for eighteen years and Lorenna’s sex life with her husband was mundane and disappointing.

Ms. Harlow has done a fabulous job developing a story so unique and satisfying. I have never read a story like this. The title is misleading, Motier Foux: A Novel of Romantic Bondage. I don’t see this in any way a sexual bondage, i.e. BDSM book. During their sex play they delved into many genres; a little tying up, even some playful spanking, but never anything hardcore. Reese is a very dominate individual due to his childhood, heritage and prison, but this is in no way a D/s relationship. In my view, the bondage was almost a state of mind. It was clear from the start that this was a fated relationship. Attraction was instantaneous and the passion was combustible. They had a bonding of the hearts, bound together by destiny and sealed with love.

Please take the time to give this book a chance. It is not your typical romance novel. The scenes are vivid and touching and the content is very adult. If you are looking for an engaging read with a refreshingly different take then pick up Motier Foux today.

Thanks for reading - Toni


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