Slow to post
Hi everyone, I'm so sorry I have been so slow to post lately. I've started something new and it's been quite time consuming. I've started to write a book :D I've been contemplating doing so for a while now I just didn't have the right idea to get my juices flowing. Then the other day I was chatting with my FB friend Kym and BOOM an idea began to take shape and Kym and I kinda ran with it throwing out ideas and next thing I knew we had a plot and a ladder to follow, I asked her if she wanted to co-write it with me but she declined saying she'd just like to read it and maybe throw ideas at me if I get stuck along the adventure and I thanked her sooo much because she really helped me get started. As of today I'm on Chapter 8 and not even half way through the book and the writing is going along quite smoothly. I'm so excited! As you can guess this and being a mom and homemaker takes up alot of my time but I'm not giving up on my reading. I t...